Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The View

I heard a guy say that you have to climb the hill to enjoy the view. There is much to be said about enjoying the journey and living in the moment. But there is also a lot to be said for enjoying the view which is only enjoyed by those who climb the hill. The higher the hill the better the view. The higher the hill the longer the climb. So how much do you want to see? How much do you want to understand? Enjoying the climb, finding value in the path, building relationships along the way are all significant elements in life. But I think there is a greater sense of destiny if I am valuing those aspects of the journey with a clear determination to get to the top. So while I may not arrive as quickly if I am enjoying the journey and valuing the relationships along the way, I believe that these are also enhanced by actually enjoying the view at some point. Too often we reduce things to either/or instead of both/and. Some people have become so goal oriented and task driven that they arrive at the view burned out and alone. The answer to that is not to start avoiding the view and just enjoying the path and the people, but to enjoy the path and arrive at the view together. May God help us get somewhere loving each other along the way.

1 comment:

  1. As a younger man, I often went exploring the countryside. And one way I felt closer to my friends was to share a hike to fascinating destination. Later, when I became a dad, it was hard at times to head for a familiar summit, and to deal with emotions that happened when we did not even make it there because the children were fascinated by the weeds next to the parking lot, or sometimes irritated with each other . . . it helped a lot to care about them first . . . we co-operated better, and we arrived at the summits more often.
