Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Exciting or Scary?

What is the difference between the most exciting thing you have ever done and the scariest thing you have ever done? Jeanette accuses the men in her life of only thinking things are fun if there is the possibility of bodily harm, the more harm potential the more fun.
But as I consider this question it strikes me that maybe the difference is often perspective. Is ski jumping exciting or scary? Is sky diving exciting or scary? It seems that often the issue is perspective. Perspective can be in part how we are wired. Some people seem to only have scary situations and never have excitement. Other people do not seem to be smart enough to ever be scared. Experience has much to do with it. I am not personally sure yet about the sky diving question but I heard an Army Ranger who insisted it was no big thing; he had done it many times.
When it comes to the events of life Scripture tells me that perfect love casts out fear and that Jesus has loved me perfectly. My wiring has some influence here but my experience even more. If my experience is that of being loved with a perfect love then life and all if its circumstances seem much less scary. Maybe even things like criticism are exciting opportunities to grow instead of scary events to be avoided. Maybe people are at least as potentially exciting as they are potentially harmful.
Maybe being loved by Jesus is the most important aspect when it comes to determining whether someone or something is exciting or scary.
Always thinking out loud . . .


  1. The question for me then, is how long does it take for the experience of Christ's love to override the experiences of life. I agree it's perspective and I can see that change, but oftentimes it's like looking through a wet window... I try to view life through the perspective of God's perfect love, but the experiences of life distort that view. It's hard to know where and how to focus, to try to see life not the to speak.

  2. I could not agree more. I always know in my theological mind that all things should be viewed through God, but I find myself in my other mind viewing even God through some other grid of emotions and experience. Maybe this is part of what Paul was alluding to when he said that the just shall live by faith. Living emotionally and rationally seems more natural than living by faith.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Injuries encountered while rescuing or helping others have a certain innocence and honor. I wonder if Jeanette might be trying to register a plea in that way.
    It does say "redeeming the time"...(Eph 5:16,Col:4:5)
    It does say "no longer for ourselves, but for him who died for us"...(2 Cor 5:15)

    Some of the most exciting and scary and fruitful times as a Christian have been when God took me to places where a person needed a "legion" cast out, and when He decided to use me as one of His hands then. I'll never forget "Tommy", looking me in the eye that evening, now years ago, saying "I love you with all my heart"... it gave my courage a new reason to live. Yep, tears of joy. Nurturing can be exciting and scary, in Christ.
