Monday, April 26, 2010

I Don't Feel Very "Orderly"

The psalmist said that God orders our steps and that He delights in every detail of our lives (psa 37:23). But things do not feel all that orderly, directed, or even thought out. A bunch of things I said yes to months ago when they all sounded so far away are now "coming due." We are a week past due with the birth of our next grandchild. It is a birth with potential complications and thus greater concern. But now that we are past the due date the window in the schedule is past and obligations are staring me in the face. And just this afternoon it took me a few hours to even find this blog site after I got my computer back from being rebuilt. Rebuilt implies to me that it should come back complete and better, not finally working but with all my information and bookmarks missing. Another verse indicates that God can cause all things to work together for good. At this point I am tempted to say I would just like some things to just work together - that would be good.
But maybe the point of all this is to look up. Maybe staring at a set of overwhelming details while praying over my shoulder "You said this would all work out" is not the right approach. Maybe I should be looking up not down to get perspective. And maybe what the old song writer said was true - "Turn your eyes upon Jesus and the things of earth will grow strangely dim." So maybe none of the deadlines actually change but the energy and perspective needed to face them changes. God, just who He is, might be all the order that I need.